Audiobooks and the Art of Storytelling

Joanne Reed
8 min readOct 26, 2020
Audiobooks and the Art of Storytelling

Audiobooks and the art of storytelling

Audiobooks and the art of storytelling are having a moment; they are in the midst of a boom as they soar in popularity. They are one of the greatest and more recent gifts to life long learners. The beauty of audiobooks is that you don’t have to set aside some quiet time away from everything and everyone in order to read a book anymore. You can continue to do all the things that you have listed on your to-do-list whilst having someone whispering in your ear a story that you want to hear.

Audiobooks and the art of storytelling allow you direct access to a treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom. Books allow the smartest people within every field to share their knowledge and experience with you so that you can learn from them and avoid making the same mistakes. But even for people who love books, finding the opportunity to read can be a challenge. This is where audiobooks come into the frame, they come to the rescue of those who have no time to sit in a quiet corner to read because of their daily commute, their work, their house chores and so many other things that need to be done. For those who are experiencing some decline in their eye sights because of old age, don’t despair, you can still have access to all the information and knowledge that you want, just press the play button and off…



Joanne Reed

Published Author, Blogger & Scriptwriter. I write to inspire, entertain, & educate. Email: